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The Importance of Outdoor Activity

The Importance of Outdoor Activity

The health risks associated with living a sedentary lifestyle long-term have been widely reported for many years. A lack of physical activity can lead to numerous health issues, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Assuming you have no physical condition that prevents it—and please consult a medical professional to help you make that determination—and assuming weather conditions permit it, our position is that you should be spending some time outdoors and being active on a daily basis.

For just one example, it is well known that “getting some sun” increases vitamin D production in the body. According to studies, vitamin D benefits human health through multiple mechanisms that aid in tissue repair, down-regulation of harmful inflammatory mediators, and helps in the prevention of various cancers and their proliferation. Sunlight exposure, combined with physical activity, can significantly improve your overall health and well-being.

The general point of this post is to recognize that in the current time, it has become possible and even tempting for many people to go from home to the office—or school—then back home, only to spend hours on electronic devices and miss out on outdoor activity. Our position is that making outdoor exercise a daily part of your routine is a fundamental building block for your health.

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